The Great Gordo Gamsby
Gordo Gamsby is an entertainer. Though not your run of the mill entertainer.
He has been on the forefront of contemporary sideshow for some years now. Decades in fact. He leaves onlookers Shocked, amazed and stunned. He does acts like Sword swallowing, Neon light swallowing, Chainsaw juggling, Cigar box manipulation, Blockhead, Feats of strength, Suspension, Dark clown, Human canon target, Cranial Corkscrew. He has 9 Guinness world records. A pretty crazy amazing guy really.
The thing that got me interested is the First Ever Human Rigging With Suspension.
An incredible sideshow feat of human rigging suspension. The Great Gordo Gamsby performs a world first with four meat hooks pierced in his back, while acrobat Ben Lewis performs his straps act.
Have a squiz at the vid :)
Pretty crazy stuff